
Our Lady of the Rosary RC VA Primary School

Growing Together in Faith and Understanding

Home Page

Our Lady of the Rosary RC VA Primary School

Growing Together in Faith and Understanding

Home Page

Welcome to Year 6 with Mr Davidge!



Year 6 at PGL, more pictures of the activities we took part in.

End of Year PGL Camp Day Two

Life Skills Visit at the Create Centre


Comprehension is sent out on a Monday to be handed in on the following Monday.

Mental Maths books go home daily - please do a bit every day.

Grammar homework is sent home on a Friday night.

Maths homework is set weekly on MyMaths. Children need to login using their details (they can come and get them if they have forgotten). Go to



Spellings are handed out each Friday for a test on the following Friday.  It is really important that the children understand the definition of the words and are able to apply them to their writing.


Year 6 Class Mass

Remembrance Day Assembly led by Year 6

Pictures from Puzzlewood

Research work for our Biographies

