Easter Holiday Homework
Homework will be continuing to prepare for the Phonics Screening.
Please continue to read their school books, the children have been given four reading books for the break.
Alternatively they can play the games on Phonics Play. Please use the link below and the username and password that was sent home by letter last term.
May we take this opportunity to remind you that the Phonics Screen workshop will be repeated on Thursday 26th April (Week 1 of Term 5) at 3:30pm.
Have a relaxing break and we look forward to seeing you in Term 5.
Mrs Arrowsmith and Mrs Cepek
Get Caught Reading
During the holiday, get someone to take a photo of you reading your home reading book, library book, or any kind of book. If you are travelling take your photo in a new exciting location.
Make your photos interesting and unusual then I will add them to our class page.
All you need to do is . . .
1) Read
2) Ask someone to take a photo of you reading
3) Print it or email it to our school email
I can't wait to see your cool reading photos!
Week 3 - Counting (MyMaths.co.uk)
Week 4 - Number and Place Value (MyMaths.co.uk)
Week 5 - Number facts (MyMaths.co.uk)
We will be using My Maths for some of our weekly maths homework.
Your child will receive a letter explain how to use My Maths, their log in and password details.
Please look out for a letter in your child's bag.
Many thanks,
Mrs Arrowsmith and Mrs Cepek
The children will bring home a new phonics booklet containing new graphemes with the linked phrase to learn.
Please keep these booklets in your child's reading folder so we can add new graphemes.
Many thanks.