Our latest Bristol wide Sumdog maths competition starts on Friday 24th April. The competition runs through to 8pm on Thursday 30th April.
As you will know, Sumdog maths is a fun online way of improving maths fluency. Visit:-
www.sumdog.com The school code is olor.
The challenge is to complete 1000 questions. Children should take their time to answer carefully - it is one point for each correct answer. The questions are adapted to each child’s level, so it’s important children complete the questions independently.
Next Friday, I will announce the winning class and the top individual pupils.
Everyone from Years 2 to 6 have usernames and passwords. If your child has forgotten their username and password, email me and I will send this to you.
I hope this will be an enjoyable mathematical activity – especially within our current context.
Kind regards,
Mr Mullen