
Our Lady of the Rosary RC VA Primary School

Growing Together in Faith and Understanding

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Our Lady of the Rosary RC VA Primary School

Growing Together in Faith and Understanding

Home Page

Story of the Week 

Sumdog Maths Competition


Our latest Bristol wide Sumdog maths competition starts on Friday 24th April. The competition runs through to 8pm on Thursday 30th April


As you will know, Sumdog maths is a fun online way of improving maths fluency. Visit:- The school code is olor.


The challenge is to complete 1000 questions. Children should take their time to answer carefully - it is one point for each correct answer. The questions are adapted to each child’s level, so it’s important children complete the questions independently.


Next Friday, I will announce the winning class and the top individual pupils. 

Everyone from Years 2 to 6 have usernames and passwords. If your child has forgotten their username and password, email me and I will send this to you.


I hope this will be an enjoyable mathematical activity – especially within our current context. 


Kind regards,


Mr Mullen

