
Our Lady of the Rosary RC VA Primary School

Growing Together in Faith and Understanding

Home Page

Our Lady of the Rosary RC VA Primary School

Growing Together in Faith and Understanding

Home Page

Maths- We have been making and identifying 2D shapes around the school.

Nativity 2019 'Woops a Daisy Angel'

We enjoyed dancing and singing in this year's nativity with year 2 and reception class. We were snowflakes going round and round, restless sheep, travellers on the way to Bethlehem and camels and leaders. Well done Class 1, you were amazing!

Lawrence Weston walk- We really enjoyed walking around our local area despite how freezing it was!

Maths- We are learning how to count in 2s using money.

Science- We have been learning about the 5 senses and have done an experiment to find out how good our senses are and the impact they have in our daily life.

We visited Our Lady of the Rosary church to learn more about baptism. We role played a baptism of a child.

