
Our Lady of the Rosary RC VA Primary School

Growing Together in Faith and Understanding

Home Page

Our Lady of the Rosary RC VA Primary School

Growing Together in Faith and Understanding

Home Page

Hi Class 5,


We hope that you are all ok and getting used to learning at home. There are lots of fun things to do in the packs so we hope you are enjoying them.


Follow the timetable you've been given which you can download below. The mark schemes will be added on Thursday so you can mark your own work. If you are struggling with the work you can email for help if you need to:


Don't forget to read every day and try some of our online resources too - Mymaths, Times Tables rockstars, Oxford Reading Buddy and Prodigy. Don't forget to learn your spellings - maybe a parent can test you on them! 


Check out Joe Wicks' PE classes if you need some indoor exercise - you can find it online at  


Please take care, wash your hands and help your parents at home!


Miss Bradley and Mrs Murray

Email: year

