
Our Lady of the Rosary RC VA Primary School

Growing Together in Faith and Understanding

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Our Lady of the Rosary RC VA Primary School

Growing Together in Faith and Understanding

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English - Wonder by RJ Palacio




Punctuation and Grammar: Children complete the Italics Activity Sheet.

Challenge! Children create their own text with italics in accordance with the rules


Vocabulary: Children complete the Reverse Crossword activity sheet.

Challenge! Children skim a dictionary or the Internet for 10-15 foreign words used in English and create a crossword or word search with clues (using online tools if available).




Comprehension: Children read pages 134-152 and complete the Comprehension Questions.



Wah Wa Wa Wah Wa Wa: Children watch the short Charlie Brown Extract. They write a short script for a scene from Charlie Brown, from a missing chapter from Wonder, or their own school.



Girls’ Attitudes Survey: Children complete the Girls’ Attitudes Survey Activity Sheet with data from Girlguiding. Further data can be extracted from the full Girlguiding report if desired.

Challenge! Children have two opportunities to debate and give their opinions on what the data tells them about girls’ attitudes and their situation regarding ‘looks’.

Art - Frida Kahlo


LO recall some facts about different famous artists, his styles and the movements he belonged to, sometimes using this as inspiration in own work.


Use YouTube Frida Kahlo: The Artist Who Painted Herself by Margaret Frith.


Also use TedEd video


Little People, Big dreams Frida Kahlo


As a class, brainstorm different things that were important to Kahlo. Write down the responses on post-it notes.

(You could put these up around some of her self-portraits)


Tell the class that Kahlo is known for her self-portraits. Ask the class what a self-portrait is. Bring out more prints of Kahlo's self-portraits to show the class. What do you notice?


Look at a variety of Kahlo’s self-portraits.

Q What is she telling us?

Q What does she want us to know?

Q How do you know? How does it make you feel?

Q What story/emotions do you want to tell through your ‘frame’?

Q What is your message to the world?


Display Kahlo’s work and pupil responses to it.

