
Our Lady of the Rosary RC VA Primary School

Growing Together in Faith and Understanding

Home Page

Our Lady of the Rosary RC VA Primary School

Growing Together in Faith and Understanding

Home Page

Hello Year 3 and  parents - welcome to week 5.  

It is hard to believe that it is the last week of the term, it has gone by really quickly in some ways but it does feel like ages since we have seen you.  Keep sending us photos of all the lovely things that you are doing. 


There is no need to send photos of the daily maths work, only Mr Mullen's maths challenges.  However post a note on your portfolio telling us how you are getting on with your maths so I know if you need help or more practise.  If you are posting pictures of writing please take the photo as close as possible to the page so that we can read it.


Don't forget about all fantastic online resources that the children have access to - Mymaths, Prodigy, Times Tables Rockstars, Oxford Reading Buddy and for those who have a Nessy login please use it every week.


Parents please remember that the work is there for you to choose.  You are not under any pressure to do all of it if you think it is too much.  You know what is best for your child.  I would however suggest some reading and some maths every day (they don't have to do all of the questions, aim for around 8 if you are struggling).  I have attached a planning sheet which some of you might find helpful - it is all about a routine,  After 5 weeks you might find it good to change it a bit after half term?  


Take care, work hard children, keep washing your hands, be kind to your parents and stay safe!

Mrs Stevens and Miss Turner smiley

