
Our Lady of the Rosary RC VA Primary School

Growing Together in Faith and Understanding

Home Page

Our Lady of the Rosary RC VA Primary School

Growing Together in Faith and Understanding

Home Page

Welcome to Class 3


Mrs Bridge teaches on Monday and Tuesday and Mrs Romero teaches on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.  


Mrs Chivers is our Learning Support Assistant and she works on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Useful Information


In Year 3 we set spelling homework on a Monday to be tested on the following Monday.  There is a list of words to learn and there is an opportunity to practise handwriting at the same time.


Online maths homework is set every week on a Friday.  Children know their login information for Mymaths but if they have any problems accessing the website, they can attend Mymaths Club every week to complete their tasks.


Occasionally we may set other homework connected with RE or Topic work.


PE is on a Tuesday and a Friday so please ensure your child has a full PE Kit on those days.   



Visit to Roman Legion Museum at Caerleon.

Visit to Kingsweston Villa on Longcross.

We had a great visit to the Roman villa on Long Cross. The children were able to look at the remains of the villa and its mosaics . They investigated the food that the Romans would have eaten, the clothes they wore and the money they used. They discovered how the site was excavated in the 1940's and how children helped with the digging at the site.

Maths - Finding Parallel and Perpendicular lines in the playground

Our Roman Britain History projects.

Many children have started to find out about the Romans. You can try any of the tasks on the list.Why not try some during the holidays?

We will be visiting the Roman Villa in Lawrence Weston in Week 1 of Term 6 and the National Roman Legion Museum at Caerleon in Week 2.

Roman Project Letter

Year 3 and 4 Easter Concert

Year 3 Puppet shows telling the story of Masilo and Masilonyana

Presentation of the Lord Assembly

Science Day learning about friction and magnets

Science Show and Tell - Reece's Roomba robot hoover!

Examining and identifying rocks.

Being Archaeologists.

Faith Programme Autumn 2016

Roald Dahl Day

Our Visit to the Iron Age Fort at Leigh Woods

Our Harvest Cafod Assembly

