Hello everyone, Welcome to week 4 of term 5.
We are going to take a different tact this week. We are really going to focus on using the book Wonder in our reading and writing. I hope lots of you have begun reading already, but if not, not to worry; you can catch up.
So, with that in mind, if you dont have a copy of the book at home, you will need this website: Online Archive: Wonder.
If you accept the cookies, it should keep your spot that youve read up to. This week youll need to read up to page 14 at least.
Punctuation and Grammar: Complete the Dialogue Activity Sheet
Vocabulary: Play the American English match-up games explained in the US English Match Up Activity Sheet
Comprehension: Complete the Comprehension Activity Sheet on How I Came to Life p. 6-7.
Character Sketch: Children complete the Character Sketch Activity Sheet.
Write: Complete the Anecdote Activity Sheet.
Compare: Complete the Comparing the Same Characters Activity Sheet.
You can find all of the activity sheets here. They link to each piece in order including comprehension questions.
Again, lots of maths. Try to do a page each day.
Four Operations and Fractions Estimation to calculate arithmetic
Use of rounding to estimate answers.
Worded problems linked to the four operations
Converting between mixed numbers and improper fractions and vice versa.
Adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers
I've included an activity sheet of lots of things you can do outside. Pick two for this week and I will include it again next week too!
Corbett has created a T4W home learning pack for each year group. There are lots of great ideas in here. Have a look through.
Check out the online safety section of our website and also find lots of computing links here
Also, check out the episodes of Play, Like, Share. Play Like Share aims to help 8-10 year olds learn how to stay safe online.
Here's the French work for this week (from the Year 6 French work booklet). Warning - do not print without parent permission! Best if you just work with the pages on screen and write down the answers separately. Or just print the pages that they need for this week...
This week's instructions are:
Year 6 French Tasks / Instructions for this week: En ville (in the town) Pages 13, 16 and 17
1. Re-read Page 9 from last week. Can you remember the places in the town? Match the words to the pictures. How many did you get right this week?..
2. On P13 (En ville). Complete A (mais = but). Use words from P9 for what isn't in the town.
3. On P16: Copy the table and fill it in about Bart and Peter Kay.
4. On P17. Complete A (use P6 for vocab) and B (draw and write a conversation between 2 famous people).