
Our Lady of the Rosary RC VA Primary School

Growing Together in Faith and Understanding

Home Page

Our Lady of the Rosary RC VA Primary School

Growing Together in Faith and Understanding

Home Page

English as an Additional Language

At Our Lady of the Rosary, we are extremely proud of our international community.  Many different languages are spoken by some of our children at home and we celebrate their home cultures in school and congratulate them on their bilingual or even trilingual skills.


Children with English as an Additional Language are able to access all the elements of the National Curriculum in the same way as children who speak English as their main language.  They sometimes need extra help with vocabulary, and we provide them with word banks and visual displays to support this need.  They also sometimes need extra support with phonics and reading and this is identified by class teachers and provided by specialist phonics programmes, such as Nessy Learning or through extra 1:1 reading sessions with staff in school and/or volunteers.


Our school magazine 'Our Voice', was set up by one of our Polish parents, who lends us her graphic design and publishing skills, and Mrs Romero, the English as an Additional Language Subject Leader, and PPA teacher.  Twice a year, they edit and produce a magazine written mainly by the children for the children containing articles celebrating culture, language, and anything the Year 5 and 6 editorial committee think would be fun! Unfortunately we weer unable to produce any during Covid 19 but were glad to be back in print in July 2021! 


 Take a look at some of our past issues.  We are really proud of our School Magazine!

