
Our Lady of the Rosary RC VA Primary School

Growing Together in Faith and Understanding

Home Page

Our Lady of the Rosary RC VA Primary School

Growing Together in Faith and Understanding

Home Page

Lots of different things to do here. Enjoy them and think about all of the extra things you are learning on top of the obvious. It would be good to hear about them.


There isn't a particular order to these and if you want to do one before the other that's absolutely fine. I'm sure the grown-ups might want to do the tidy up more than once!


Remember to keep up your reading, times tables and spellings.

Wednesday is St George’s Day! Find out all about him here.

Year 6 French Tasks / Instructions for this week: Ou j'habite (where I live) Pages 6, 7 and 8

1. Read Page 6 French vocab list and meaning. And Question words
2. Try and complete the English without looking at the vocab list on P6
3. Can you try and sing the song Ou habites-tu? on P7 (Twinkle twinkle tune)
4. Complete the Ou habites-tu crossword with the correct French vocab
5. Can you write a sentence about where you live using all this vocab? I live in Bristol.. in the South West of England...I live in a big city, near to...
6. Can you read your sentence out loud in French? Can you draw a picture or map of where you live?


