We take our responsibilities to safeguard your children very seriously. Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility: all Staff, Governors and Volunteers should play their full part in keeping children safe.
We work within Government Legislation Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022 in conjunction with Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018. These documents highlight current significant national issues including preventing Radicalisation in line with the 'Prevent' Strategy (part of the government’s counter-terrorism strategy to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism) and with the internet available to every child in today’s modern society an increased awareness of issues such as Grooming and Child Sexual Exploitation. We work alongside external agencies including Health, Social Care, and Police to ensure all our children are kept safe and protected from harm.
We take our responsibilities to safeguard your children very seriously. Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility: all Staff, Governors and Volunteers should play their full part in keeping children safe. Please find below a copy of our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2021 to which each member of staff adhere to.
Safeguarding Contacts
If you have any concerns regarding a safeguarding issue please contact Mrs Musarurwa
If she is not available please contact Mrs Stone or Mrs Lux, Mrs Burden, the Deputy DSL's.
Email: safeguarding.olor@bristol-schools.uk
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs R Musarurwa
Deputy Safeguarding Leads
Mrs S Lux, Mrs K Burden or Mrs J Stone
Designated Safeguarding Governor
Mrs T Gilpin
(Please contact via the School Office)
It is important to remember that, however small a concern may seem to you, it may be one of a series of concerns raised by different adults and therefore, recording such concerns enable the school to take the appropriate action to ensure that all children’s needs are being met.
All details are treated confidentially and will only be shared if there are concerns that a child is at risk. It is always our aim to share our concerns transparently with the child’s parent or guardian before making a referral. However, we reserve our right to refer without consent if we are sufficiently concerned about a child’s safety or we are unable to contact the parent/guardian after reasonable attempts have been made.
Single Point of Access (SPA)
You can also tell Bristol Community Health about a child, young person or parent/carer that needs support in some way by contacting their Single Point of Access Team (SPA).
Reporting a Concern
If you are worried about someone or suspect abuse you must report your concerns to:
Bristol Community Health SPA (Single Point of Access): 0117 3773356
Bristol: Care Direct: 0117 922 2700
South Gloucestershire: 01454 868007
In an emergency:
If you think a child is in immediate danger you should call 999.
If you need to speak to someone urgently outside of office hours, please call the Bristol Emergency Duty Team on 01454 615 165 or text phone 01454 618 966.
Thank you for your invaluable support with safeguarding our children.
Please see Safeguarding Policy for further information.