ClassDojo is the platform we use to communicate safely with parents to provide an interactive home learning experience as it offers the ability to share work and feedback between students and teachers. This also supports parents in case of individual self-isolation or class or school closures.
An overview of the Class Dojo process:
Please find further information and user guides below:
To Create a Parent Account Using an Email Invite:
Click on the link in your email invite
Click on the “I’m ____’s Parent” button.
Enter your first and last name, email address, and create a password before clicking “Sign Up”
How Does My Child Log into Their Student Account at Home?
Parents will be sent their child’s student account details via a message within ClassDojo using the parents ClassDojo account. Please click the link in the message that was sent to you to be directed to the student login page/instructions. From here, there are multiple ways to login to the student account, either use the QR code or use the Login Link on the right of the screen.
For further information on login into ClassDojo, click the link below:
How to Access Activities and Work in the Student Account:
Teachers use the ClassDojo Class Story to upload work and remote learning activities for your child to download and complete. It is also used to communicate key information and share learning in the classroom.
Once Students have logged into their account following the details above, they will be presented with the Class Homepage. Any work that has been set by the teacher will be displayed under the Stories section, where work can downloaded to your computer by clicking on the PDF file. This work can either be completed offline or printed to complete on paper.
How to Upload Work to the Student Portfolio:
Students use their ClassDojo Portfolio to respond to and upload work set by the class teacher.
For instructions on how to add and upload work to the Student Portfolio, click here:
Please note: If the child has completed work on paper, this can scanned in or a photograph taken and be uploaded as a file using the instructions above.
Parental Consent:
For further information regarding parental consent and ClassDojo, click here:
ClassDojo’s Privacy Center:
Learn how ClassDojo builds its platform through privacy by design, partners with leading privacy and family advocates, and more here:
How ClassDojo Complies with GDPR: