Junior Leadership Team (JLT) serves as a democratically elected body and a voice for the children in our school.
Who are the Junior Leadership Team?
The Year 6 House and Vice Captains are part of the JLT. We then have 2 representatives from the other year groups.
Candidates have to deliver a speech and give reasons as to why they are the best candidates to represent their class. JLT membership runs from Years 2 – 6. Classes vote for two representatives. This system of elections is held every year with an opportunity for new members to run for a position.
What do the Junior Leadership Team do?
The JLT meet staff regularly and discuss issues that are important to the pupils. A foundation of understanding how a meeting runs and how a leadership team can be effective is built. The team share ideas about how to improve our school and then help monitor the impact of changes. Their input goes into our school evaluation form so that we can continually make our school even better.
The Council has already played an important role in the development of our new toilets, a child-friendly school development plan, an anti-bullying flowchart and have supported the implementation of the Habits of Mind scheme throughout the school.