Welcome to Year 2 with
Mrs Arrowsmith and Miss Langer
Mrs Arrowsmith will set maths homework to be completed online using MyMaths. Each pupil has any individual log in and they will find the weekly homework task set on a Wednesday. There are lots of exciting games and activities to explore too.
My maths homework has been set. Please see me if you need your username and password.
Spelling homework is given out every Monday by Miss Langer. The spellings are tested the following Monday.
During our phonics lessons we use the website PhonicsPlay. Below is a link to the website and some of the games the children can play at home.
In class 2 we are learning to join our handwriting. Weekly handwriting homework is given on a Friday.
Please complete handwriting homework using a pencil. Thank you for your continued support.
Term 5 and 6
Spelling Results
Congratulations to these pupils who got all their spellings correct in the test.
24/04 - Louis, Oliver, Joachim, Benjamin, Rebecca and Sion.
08/05 - Louis, Oliver, Rebecca, Benjamin, Mihai and Sion.
This week:
05/06 - Louis, Oliver, Rebecca, James, Mihai, Farai, Joachim, Enrik, Zofia, Kornelia, Alex, Adam, Ala, Ruth and Sion.
Well done! You are spelling super stars!
History - Isambard Kingdom Brunel
We shall be learning about the life of Isambard Kingdom Brunel, who was a significant individual in the past linked to our own locality. We will focus on how Brunel constructed the Great Western Railway and his magnificent ship the SS Great Britain.
Below is the link to the BBC primary history webpage.
SS Great Britain
The Brunel Museum
Congratulations to these pupils who got all their spellings correct in the test.
Term 1 Spelling Results
19/09 - Joachim, Oliver and Sion.
26/09 - James, Kieran, Louis, Oliver, Christopher, Joachim, Julia, Victor, Sion and Alex.
3/10 - Louis, Oliver, Joachim, Zofia, Victor, Kornelia, Sion and Rebecca.
10/10 - Kieran, Louis, Oliver, Joachim, Victor, Kornelia, Sion, Mihai, Rebecca, Alex, Ann, Miya, Alicja and Adam.
17/10 - Kieran, Louis, Joachim, Victor, Sion, Rebecca, Alex and Adam.
Term 2 Spelling Results
31/10 - James, Kieran, Louis, Oliver, Joachim, Zofia, Benjamin, Sion, Alex and Adam.
7/11 - James, Kieran, Louis, Oliver, Joachim, Zofia, Victor, Benjamin, Sion, Alex, Miya and Peace.
14/11 - Kieran, Farai, Louis, Oliver, Joachim, Enrik, Zofia, Julia, Victor, Kornelia, Benjamin, Sion, Rebecca, Alex and Ann.
21/11 - Kieran, Farai, Louis, Oliver, Joachim, Enrik, Zofia, Julia, Benjamin, Sion, Una, Mihai, Rebecca and Alex.
28/11 - James, Louis, Joachim, Zofia, Victor, Kornelia, Benjamin and Alex.
05/12 - James, Louis, Oliver and Sion.
12/12 - Kieran, Julia, Sion, Louis and Joachim.
Term 3 Spelling Results
9/01 - Kieran, Louis, Joachim, Zofia, Victor and Sion.
30/01 - Kieran, Farai, Oliver, Julia, Victor, Benjamin, Sion, Mihai, Alex, Ann and Adam.
6/02 - Farai, Oliver, Chris, Joachim, Enrik, Zofia, Julia, Victor, Benjamin, Sion, Mihai, Rebecca, Ann and Toby.
Term 4 Spelling Results
27/2 - Louis, Oliver, Benjamin, Mihai and Alex.
6/03 - Kieran, Louis, Oliver, Zofia, Benjamin and Sion.
13/03 - James, Farai, Louis, Oliver, Joachim, Julia, Benjamin, Rebecca and Sion.
20/03 - James, Kieran, Louis, Oliver, Joachim, Mihai, Alex, Ann, Rebecca and Sion.
27/03 - Louis, Oliver, Joachim, Benjamin, Mihai, Alex and Sion.
03/04 - Kieran, Louis, Oliver, Joachim, Rebecca, Ann, Benjamin, Mihai and Sion.
Well done! You are spelling super stars!
On Tuesday 7th February we celebrated Safer Internet Day. Year 2 have explored e-safety through their writing this week and have written commands and explanations for staying safe online. We read the e-book 'DigiDuck's Big Decision' which can be found using the link below.
Common Exception Spellings Year 1 and 2
Attached are the common exception words the children must learn to spell by the end of year 2.
I have made them into bookmarks for the children to use when editing their writing.
Please help your child/children learn to spell these words. Thank you for your continued support.
Term 3
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
In class 2 we are thinking about how we can be people who bring peace.
We had a Fire Safety visit from the Avon Fire and Rescue team. We found out about the different roles the fire and rescue service is responsible for, the rules of escape if there is a fire and the stop, drop and roll technique should our clothes catch fire. We learnt a lot of very important information.
Remember the Fire and Rescue team are happy to visit your home and carry out a fire safety check.
Let us know and we can pass on your details.