
Our Lady of the Rosary RC VA Primary School

Growing Together in Faith and Understanding

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Our Lady of the Rosary RC VA Primary School

Growing Together in Faith and Understanding

Home Page

Year 5 class assembly in Environment week. We shared our learning about rainforests and the importance of protecting our Common Home, following Pope Francis in his letter called 'Laudato Si'.

Year 5 was very lucky to plant 100 tees on our school grounds as part of their step to make a difference to climate change after learning about the effects of deforestation. Thank you to the One Tree per child Project for donating the trees.

Fit4Kids workshop - we learnt about the importance of staying healthy by doing regular exercise and eating healthy snacks.

Our 4 mathematicians at BGS taking part in a Maths competition. Well done for using your Habits of Mind: Problem posing, Taking Responsible Risks and persisting!

