
Our Lady of the Rosary RC VA Primary School

Growing Together in Faith and Understanding

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Our Lady of the Rosary RC VA Primary School

Growing Together in Faith and Understanding

Home Page

Whole school trip to Noahs Ark Zoo Farm 12th July 2019

Maths Puzzle Day 1st July 2019 - the class enjoyed working in groups with Year 4 pupils to solve challenging puzzles.

We have set up a Museum in our Classroom as part of a project run in conjunction with the Bristol Museum. The photos show us taking a close look at an artefact which we have been allowed to borrow from the Museum for this term. An exhibition will be set up in the classroom in July.

We are pleased with the bags that we made as part of our DT project this year

Learning about how light reflects and whether materials are transparent, translucent or opaque

Practising Times Tables using dominoes and having fun!

International Day celebrating other countries and learning geographic skills

Science - end of topic fun with magnets

Children plan and lead our Collective Worship in class.

World Book Day - some wonderful costumes. Thanks to all the families who helped to make this such a fun-filled and inspiring day!

World Book Day - The Zoo by Anthony Browne

The class enjoyed meeting students from the Clifton Scientific Trust and testing out their medical equipment

In the first of our 'Get up and go' sessions, everyone agreed that they felt better after exercising

Everyone made their own 'breathing buddy' during our Mindfulness workshop

This term we have had fun with fractions in our maths lessons

We enjoyed bringing the feast of the Epiphany to life through "hot seating" the Wise Men and using a conscience alley to decide whether or not they should return to King Herod with news of where the Baby Jesus could be found.

Everyone enjoyed our retreat day at the Convent.

We wrote our own 100 square and invented board games to practise counting forwards and backwards

