
Our Lady of the Rosary RC VA Primary School

Growing Together in Faith and Understanding

Home Page

Our Lady of the Rosary RC VA Primary School

Growing Together in Faith and Understanding

Home Page

Hello Class 1 pupils (and parents),


I hope that everyone is well and adjusting to learning at home.  I'm sorry we cannot see each other at the moment but it is important that we do as we are asked to so that we can keep everyone safe. 


I just wanted to let you know that all of the learning from home work has been sent last week. Please work through this and make sure you follow the timetable. Any struggles with the work, please feel free to email. I have also added some fun activities in the Home Learning section below to do with your parents. It would be fantastic if you could send me pictures/ a brief recount of your work.  


Don't forget to read every day and try some of our online resources too. We have access to Oxford Reading Buddy, Nessy and Phonics play. Your passwords should be in the front cover of your yellow Reading Record. Extra passwords were added to your home learning pack. Please email me if you are missing any.


Lots of people are talking about Joe Wicks' PE classes which you might find fun - you can find it online at  


Please take care, wash your hands and help your parents at home,


Mrs Allal and Mrs Cepek


