
Our Lady of the Rosary RC VA Primary School

Growing Together in Faith and Understanding

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Our Lady of the Rosary RC VA Primary School

Growing Together in Faith and Understanding

Home Page


The full national curriculum is followed.  All year groups have access to specialist coaches who work with the school.  They have worked with the PE Lead to develop the progression of skills and provide CPD to our teachers. We have wonderful school grounds for all aspects of PE to be taught. We have a vibrant Forest School as part of our adventurous activities and this is for all children from EYFS to Year 6.  We also have a specialist dance teacher who links their skills to topics in class.  She also provides yoga and mindfulness.  



At Our Lady of the Rosary, we recognise the importance of swimming and understand the value it brings to our children. As such, every child is taught to swim and given the opportunity to compete in local competitions.

The year 6 camp is also a water based where children continue to learn the importance of water safety and self-rescue to complement their learning in previous years.


PE Curriculum Overview

