
Our Lady of the Rosary RC VA Primary School

Growing Together in Faith and Understanding

Home Page

Our Lady of the Rosary RC VA Primary School

Growing Together in Faith and Understanding

Home Page

Kornelia's Mum came to teach us about how to keep our teeth healthy. We dressed up as dentists and brushed giant plastic teeth!

We visited the Roman Villa on Long Cross and learned about the people who would have lived there and what their life was like.

When the Explorer Dome came into school, we learned all about planets and stars which were projected onto the ceiling . It was very exciting!

Visiting medical students from Bristol University helped us to learn about the human body

World Book Day - we didn't let the snow stop us having fun with books!

Presentation of the Lord Prayer Assembly

Take a look at the Art Gallery to find out what we have been doing in our Art lessons.
Have a look at the Forest School section to see what Year 3 children have been doing during their time in Forest School.

In our Faith Programme, we thought about our family and made a Jesse Tree of Jesus' family.

Using visualisation and dance to inspire our writing about a pebble's journey in a river down the mountain.

Using cubes to help us understand groups in multiplication and division

Making magnetic mazes in Science

We spent a great day at Stoneleigh Fort exploring what life was like during the Iron Age.We made a timeline to show how long ago the Iron Age people lived. We used a quern to grind wheat and make flour. We looked at coins and brooches from the Iron Age. Then we went on a walk to explore the rampants and ditches that were build by Iron age people. After lunch and a play, we made string from flax, spun wool and practised firing a slingshot. It was a busy day and we decided that Iron Age people worked hard!

Representing numbers using Base 10, Number Cards, Numicon and Unifix

We used different resources to make 2 and 3 digit numbers, thinking about how many hundreds, tens and ones there were.  Adam even used an abacus!

Learning French with Mrs Nchang

Peace's Mum came into school to teach us some French greetings and songs.  We learned a lot and really appreciate her coming in to visit us.

Becoming Archaeologists.

We have been finding out about how archaeologists try to find out about the past.

We tried to piece pictures together. We talked about what our 'object' could be and who might have used it in the past.

