
Our Lady of the Rosary RC VA Primary School

Growing Together in Faith and Understanding

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Our Lady of the Rosary RC VA Primary School

Growing Together in Faith and Understanding

Home Page

We have really enjoyed practicing our ball skills by playing hand rounders...

Our human Solar System

We have created some amazing 3D volcanoes and today we exploded them! Take a look at how we did it...


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Fugi table Collective worship focussing on the Gospel story of 'Doubting Thomas'. They led us in a prayerful session where we added an acrostic poem to our prayer journals.

Islam week - After learning about Ramadan and Eid-Ul-Fitr, we created cards to celebrate Eid and discussed how a Muslim feels when celebrating Eid following Ramadan. We then presented this in a powerpoint to the whole school in our Islam Collective Worship on Friday.

Here are our presentations and PowerPoints we created on a volcano of our choice...

Here is a video of us playing our brass instruments together...

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Here is a video of us playing our wind instruments together...

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We have worked really hard in Band this year and can now play our instruments together...

Take a look at our FANTASTIC volcano poems...

Before half term we took part in a sports workout with an Olympic athlete... It was hard work but loads of fun!

In Geography we spent some time on the computers creating a Powerpoint of a chosen volcano we have been studying. Soon we will be presenting them to the rest of the class and sharing our knowledge!

We have been learning about St Pauls conversion to Christianity in RE. We acted out the Bible story when Paul meets Ananias (following his meeting with God). Paul is blind and Ananias heals him.

In English we have been working on characterisation using drama to help us imagine the characters we are writing about

PSHE - we have been learning about relationships and also how we view tests

Katla table led us in our Collective Worship this week reflecting on the 'Road to Emmaus' Bible story. They prepared a powerpoint and after listening to the story we had to guess which character was being acted from the story, e.g. Cleopas needed proof that Jesus was who He said He was.

Over the last week in RE we have been looking at the key stories when Jesus revealed Himself to the disciples following the Resurrection. We acted these out and discussed symbols in Art which show the disciples beliefs at the time.

Year 5 began Kwik Cricket today. We learnt how to bat correctly and began looking at throwing skills.

Year 5 have been visited by members of staff from Clifton High, who delivered an Eco Awareness course. We had the opportunity to look at a variety of natural artefacts, including 100 year old bird eggs. We then took part in some paintingto decorate wood and slate with natural pictures. We continued with measuring trees using a pencil and then finished by writing a poem about a tree.

In PSHE this week we began our topic: Relationships. We began the topic by discussing personal qualities of ourselves, we decided whether we had certain qualities using an invisible line and then drew these in a puzzle piece, which when joined together will create a Year 5 jigsaw of all our attributes.

Espresso coding - we learnt how to add conditions to our codes

In RE we read and acted out the main events following Jesus's resurrection: Road to Emmaus, Doubting Thomas, miracle of catching fish and Jesus's story of 'feed my sheep'.

We led Last Supper Collective Worship for the whole school

Solar System Presentation created by Natalia, Evie and Amy

Learning about the Solar System from our class experts, Natalia, Evie and Amy

Science- an investigation about separating materials

Child-led Collective Worship about love

Year 5 Retreat Day - We started learning about Jesus's temptations in the desert and we created a Lenten calendar of promises to help us be better Christians, following Jesus's example. We then made prayer journals and reflected on the importance of prayer in Lent. In the afternoon, we began with time for adoration and then we put our faith into action by making sandwiches to give to the homeless and we wrote them a little note to explain how we were thinking and praying for them.

World Book Day

Explorer Dome - Light (it was dark inside!)

Child-led Collective Worship

Child-led Collective Worship

Music/ Art Cross-curricular - expressing Noye's Fludde (Noah's flood) through realistic or abstract Art

Yoga and mindfulness

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Yoga and mindfulness

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Yoga and mindfulness

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Our Science experiment investigating which materials dissolve in water

We had a workshop with the author and illustrator, Hannah Shaw. We drew an animal character and thought about what they might say.

In Science we learned about the particles in solids, liquids and gases by pretending to be them!

Child-led Collective Worship with Year 4 - we made pictures using natural materials to celebrate God's creation of the world in Genesis

